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definition for: #thepiperspromise

December 29, 2016
2 Definitions for Hashtag #thepiperspromise
Latest information about the exciting third Ridge Walker sequel 'The Piper's Promise' from Scots author Alex Breck.
December 29, 2016
This time Ridge is in Tokyo. When Thad is arrested for a series of murders he didn’t commit on the wrong side of the planet, Ridge Walker must find the real killer in order to prove his best friend’s innocence. But as Ridge crosses swords with a merciless adversary and the savage ethos of centuries of warrior culture, the death toll speeds up and the seemingly random slayings take on a laser-sharp accuracy slicing ever closer to those he loves. Two worlds collide in this race against time. As he sinks deeper into the macabre quagmire of a sick and vengeful mind he begins to realise the full horror that awaits him. They say ‘the apple never falls far from the tree’ and it’s going to be a bitter harvest this season.
December 29, 2016
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