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definition for: #vintage

March 8, 2013
1 Definition for Hashtag #vintage
Vintage is often used to describe antique items. The correct usage of the word vintage must be used with a year. ie. my car is vintage 2001... my computer is vintage 1999... this WWII item is vintage 1943... The common definition of vintage, in winemaking, is the process of picking grapes and creating the finished product. A vintage wine is one made from grapes that were all, or primarily, grown and harvested in a single specified year. The common definition of antique is a collectible object such as a piece of furniture or work of art that has a high value because of its considerable age, yet it does in fact vary depending on the source, product, and year. Motor vehicles are an exception to the 100-year rule. The customary definition of antique requires that an item be at least 100 years old and in original, unaltered condition?which excludes most cars. Therefore, cars are generally considered antique if 25 years old or more. (Cars can be registered as "classic" when 20 years old.) This is not a universally accepted idea, but rather a convention among car collectors and enthusiasts. Antiquing is the act of shopping, identifying, negotiating, or bargaining for antiques. People buy items for personal use, gifts, or profit. Sources for antiquing include garage sales and yard sales, estate sales, resort towns, antique districts, collectives, and international auction houses. Antique enthusiasts often find antiques at antique shows publicized on web sites such Travelers antique guide (http://*** ). Popular antique shows such as the Del Mar Antique Show and the San Francisco Fall Antiques Show always draw thousands of visitors. A very popular television show with Antique buyers and sellers is Antique Roadshow:http://***
April 28, 2014
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