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definition for: #zerocopayprogam

October 17, 2017
1 Definition for Hashtag #zerocopayprogam
Innovation and patient care are the building blocks of Zero Copay Program (ZCP Inc), a revolutionary pharmaceutical copay relief program, whose mission is to improve health care services for all involved – doctors, insurance companies, and most importantly, patients. With the rising cost of health care and prescription drugs, ZCP Inc is focused on eliminating the patient’s copay when filling a prescription, and simplifying the process for health care providers. Zero Copay Program grants commercially insured patients the opportunity to obtain their prescribed FDA approved medications for $0 copay regardless of their deductible or coinsurance. Our streamlined process makes it simple for all parties involved. Health care providers prescribe a product from our eligible products list via electronic, fax, or phone to a participating pharmacy. Participating pharmacies provide patient outreach the same day and hand deliver medications within 24 hours regardless if the prescribed medication needs a prior authorization. Zero Copay Program provides a free value-added service to the doctor’s office by providing prior authorization assistance to aid doctors and their office staff, at no cost. The office will receive significantly fewer call backs, freeing up the staff’s time, and patients receive their medication promptly and at no cost.
October 17, 2017
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