
#Couplie Sparks A New Trend Because, You Know, It's Valentine's Week

February 13, 2014
coupliebigAfter the huge success of the term and hashtag #Selfie, which was officially included in the Oxford dictionary to mean taking a photo of yourself, social media fans are again abuzz with #Couplie. The term is a combination of ?selfie? and ?couple? and refers to partners or couples taking a photo of themselves together. The #Couplie hashtag immediately rose in popularity by 140 percent after singer Kylie Minogue posted a photo of herself and hair stylist Panos Papandrianos in December on the latter's Instagram account. They're not "together," but you know what we mean. The trend continued and was evident in several marketing items and shops. Couplie-style photos were widely used and uploaded by social media fans, putting these on gift cards and in various social media sites. It's definitely twice the fun.


People may actually prefer sharing a photo or moment with someone they care about, which explains why couplies may soon overtake selfies. The constant posting of celebrities and personalities on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram of their own couplies add to the craze. More of these are expected to fill social media platforms as Valentine?s Day approaches. Here's how the hashtag looks, so far, peaking at over 44,000 impressions in the first week of January 2014. Other terms were also created as derivations of selfie such as belfie, which means ?bottom selfie? or taking a photo of your behind. Felfies are defined as photos of farmers with their animals. Healthselfies are photos taken in the gym or while people are working out. Know any other permutations of 2013's most popular word? Tell us in the comments!

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