
Twitter for Employers and Job Seekers

October 11, 2013
Although Twitter is widely used by businesses and marketers as a channel to advertise their brand and products, many are still unfamiliar with the idea of looking for potential assets and great talent from the network. The fact is, job postings and opportunities on Twitter will work the same way as regular advertisements by driving the right people to your company. You can increase the likelihood of finding the best people for the organization. Advertise job postings for more opportunities.

The Process

1. Proper timing The schedule of tweets will be vital in drawing the right people for the job. Tweet at scheduled periods when the target audience is most likely browsing their Twitter feeds. The frequency of the tweets will also matter so make sure that more than one posting is done per day to remain visible to the target market. However, avoid tweeting too frequently to avoid turning off potential applicants. Tweeting 2 to 3 times each day is sufficient. Twitter also has a new hashtag feature that allows potential employers to time their tweets so that these automatically disappear after several hours or days. 2. Create a hashtag Make a special hashtag that will spread information about the job opportunity. Include the name of your brand or company as well as the keywords ?job? or ?work?. Provide the necessary details to draw the right people and avoid random applicants. Also use hashtags or keywords that relate to the kind of industry you belong to. Use 2 to 3 words for the hashtags at most and check with a hashtag analytics tool if there are existing ones that are quite similar. 3. Start an analytics account Always monitor the progress of the hashtag by using an analytics tool that will show in detail the total impressions made, the reach and peaks and drops of the hashtag within a given period. You can monitor the success of the hashtag campaign and compare it with previous and future campaigns. Many social media users actually find the right job opportunities and employees by searching through an analytics account. Many business find it efficient to use an analytics account to increase exposure and get connected with talented individuals. 4. Host Twitter events Occasionally, you can launch social media events to add hype and invite more people with the skills and experience that will suit the job description well. Announce the event weeks in advance using a hashtag. Continue using an analytics tool to determine the extent of the campaign and increase the total participants. The event may be the recruitment process itself or may serve as an avenue for potential employers and workers to communicate and find the right people in a casual setting. Provide rewards and search for key individuals who can become social media assets for future campaigns.

Assess the Results

After using hashtags for job postings, monitor the results in a span of 24 hours or 1 week or more using the social analytics tools. Determine how well the campaign fared compared to other competitors in the same industry. Other indicators will indicate the success of the posting and increase exposure to more talented employees. Examples are increased number of followers, increased interactions and user engagement and getting actual applicants who are right for the job.

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