

Member sinceFebruary 13, 2015
Twitter Username@SOTUDcom
Biographyhttp://t.co/G5zBi7VfP1 (State of the Union Distress) Promoting Conservatism & Exposing Festering Progressivism because we have had O-Nuf! #PJNET #TeaParty #TGDN
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created on February 12, 2015
President Obama made a BuzzFeed video that was released on February 12, 2015: Things Everybody Does But Doesn't Talk About. It featured a chipper Barack Obama hamming it up for the cameras taking selfies using a selfie stick and making faces while practicing a speech in front of a very dirty mirror. Reports say this video was filmed on February 10, 2015... This happened to be the same day Obama learned that ISIS sent an email to the family of American Hostage Kayla Mueller telling them she was dead along with a picture of her dead body. Not sure if Obama's video was filmed before he knew about the email to Kayla Mueller's family but he certainly didn't care enough to stop the release of this very unserious video at a very serious time. This leads to #ObamasDirtyMirror... As the world burns... Obama is clowning around in front of his dirty mirror. If only Obama's Dirty Mirror was Magic, like the Mirror in the fairy tale Snow White. We're sure Obama's well documented narcissism may drive him to ask the traditional question, Mirror mirror on the wall. Who's the fairest of them all? We'd like to suggest he try a more honest question. Dirty mirror, dirty mirror on the wall. Who's the biggest fraud of all? Do you have any honest questions for #ObamasDirtyMirror?

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