

Member sinceAugust 23, 2015
Twitter Username@loremeltz
BiographyPassionate for Jesus. Devoted wife/mom/savta. Grateful/concerned patriot. Abused women/children advocate. Pro Military/Israel/NRA. Please No DMs.
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created on November 5, 2015
Challenge to concerned patriots not only to wake up and become educated about what's happening around the world, but to step up and become involved.
created on August 23, 2015
Catchphrase primarily pertaining to Missourians, it's meaning best summed up by a legend Missourian.... Mark Twain, i.e., non-credulous, unpretentious, creative, conservative, bottom-line, honest, conscientious, hard-working and fact/truth-seeking individual, but can be used to define anyone who exhibits the same characteristics.

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