
When Promoted Hashtags DON?T Work

May 15, 2013
Social media marketers should be careful about what they post online since there are instances when marketing approaches do not work as they expected or, worse, get misunderstood. Promoted Hashtags, although very popular and effective, are not always functional. Some people learn the lesson the hard and expensive way -- because promoted hashtags are paid. It is best to know how the target market thinks and then pattern strategies based on projected potential responses. Without knowledge of the kind of market for whom the strategy is created, you face the risk of making a very pricey social media blunder. As a marketer, it is also important to note how some marketing words can repel consumers instead of draw them closer to your company. You don't want your brand hashtag to be turned into a laughingstock online.

The High Cost

A promoted trend is an advertisement which will effectively draw social media users to discuss and spread information about a certain topic or company. Promoted tweets and hashtags cost $120,000 per day now, compared to its $25,000 to $30,000 price tag when it was first introduced. Promoted hashtags and their price tag were highlighted during the US Presidential Elections in 2012, when both the Romney and Obama camps became more invested in their respective social media awareness campaigns. Back then, Romney's #AreYouBetterOff and #BelieveInAmerica made as many as 5.6 million and 5.7 million impressions at their peak, while Obama's #Forward2012 and #VoteObama made 105 million and 930 million impressions. promoteda promotedb promoted1 promoted2 promoted3 promoted4 Many individuals running small or medium businesses will not be able to afford the cost. Even those who try will quickly realize that the investment is just too big to recoup within their limited timeframe. Advertisers will pay Twitter for every follower depending on the bid system. The only consolation that advertisers get is having relevant customers whom they can continue to transact with for many months or years. However, without the initial budget, promoted tweets are out of their range. Basically, promoted tweets may not work well with small enterprises. Considering that only the biggest brands worldwide can afford the hefty price tag, some of these giant corporations realize that the high price does not necessarily equate to an effective response from their consumers. McDonald?s learned the hard lesson after it came out with the hashtag #McDStories, which triggered online users to share horror stories about their experiences in the fast food chain. Many online users immediately followed to share all the things that they despise about the famous restaurant. promoted5 The second promoted hashtag #UnwrapWhatsFresh also backfired. It was supposed to discuss the new Premium McWrap, a grilled or crispy chicken product wrapped in warm tortilla. McDonald?s didn?t get the response or optimism from customers that they wanted. Social media users immediately tweeted about anything wrapped, including underwear. It became a very bad and expensive investment. promoted6

Without Prior Research

Not defining the target demographic thoroughly can lead to consequences. Some companies simply put out hashtags without thinking about other words and meanings that can be derived from the phrase. It is always important to spend some time thinking about the right keywords to use that will effectively draw clients. Putting very vague words together will not work for promoted hashtags. Very long hashtags will also turn off many potential clients since they will only spend a few seconds reading the line. It is best to use 2 to 3 words at most, making use of capitalizations and numbers as necessary to make it easier to understand. The use of the word ?promoted? may not appeal to everyone. Some people believe that hashtags should not include anything related to advertising since it gives the idea that the company or business is only interested in making quick money instead of catering to the real needs of consumers.

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